6 Random Facts About Myself
I got tagged by See Fei to reveal 6 random facts about myself. So here goes:
1. I love to watch movies like Star Wars,

Star Trek, Matrix, etc.
2. I don’t dislike animals. I'm just not crazy about them. I don’t even mind stroking furry animals like cats, dogs, hamsters. But usually I don’t as I find it a hassle having to wash my hands afterwards. It's a great pity that Steve Irwin, aka Crocodile Hunter,

died after getting stung by a stingray. He's only 44. He's one of my favorite TV personalities. His sudden death which shocks and saddens the whole world, is a stark reminder that although we may be able to tame certain wild animals, we certainly have no dominion over them. In fact, we have lost dominion for a very, very long time since the fall of man.
3. I like to listen to all kinds of music as long as it’s not too heavy and noisy. (Anyhow, one man's music is another man's noise.) Songs from the 80s, classical music, English pop, Mandarin pop, Cantonese pop, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Strauss, etc.
4. I love cars but can’t afford playing with them at all. Every month broke because of car. Only cars I can afford to play with are toy cars. One of the main differences between a boy and a man is the price of their toys.
5. I like to read. I used to read a lot when I was studying in Ngee Ann Poly from 1989 to 1993. Always used the journey on the MRT to read one novel after another. Now I hardly have time to read. Even have difficulties scanning thru TODAY newspaper from cover to cover, let alone reading all the articles.
6. I like peace and quiet. That proves I not very old yet. Old folks are known to be afraid of peace and quiet. They prefer noise and sounds to silence. I guess that’s why all the new HDB 2-room studio apartments meant primarily for senior citizens are located next to busy, noisy roads.
1. I love to watch movies like Star Wars,

Star Trek, Matrix, etc.
2. I don’t dislike animals. I'm just not crazy about them. I don’t even mind stroking furry animals like cats, dogs, hamsters. But usually I don’t as I find it a hassle having to wash my hands afterwards. It's a great pity that Steve Irwin, aka Crocodile Hunter,

died after getting stung by a stingray. He's only 44. He's one of my favorite TV personalities. His sudden death which shocks and saddens the whole world, is a stark reminder that although we may be able to tame certain wild animals, we certainly have no dominion over them. In fact, we have lost dominion for a very, very long time since the fall of man.
3. I like to listen to all kinds of music as long as it’s not too heavy and noisy. (Anyhow, one man's music is another man's noise.) Songs from the 80s, classical music, English pop, Mandarin pop, Cantonese pop, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Strauss, etc.
4. I love cars but can’t afford playing with them at all. Every month broke because of car. Only cars I can afford to play with are toy cars. One of the main differences between a boy and a man is the price of their toys.
5. I like to read. I used to read a lot when I was studying in Ngee Ann Poly from 1989 to 1993. Always used the journey on the MRT to read one novel after another. Now I hardly have time to read. Even have difficulties scanning thru TODAY newspaper from cover to cover, let alone reading all the articles.
6. I like peace and quiet. That proves I not very old yet. Old folks are known to be afraid of peace and quiet. They prefer noise and sounds to silence. I guess that’s why all the new HDB 2-room studio apartments meant primarily for senior citizens are located next to busy, noisy roads.
It's a real pity that he died.
I was so shocked by yesterday's news about his death.
We are shocked by his death. Only certainty in life is uncertainty.
To be honest, I knew one day he will be bite by crocodiles and other animals but not to the extend of being killed.
He should stick to his land animals, not marine because in water, those creatures are much more flexible than humans. If they shot out a tail poison sting, our hands are not that fast to block it due to water resistance.
It's a great lost, but hey! Steve had a very fruitful life! He educated millions!
Thanks Mickell for your comment in my blog.
Do visit my blog, and add your comments, on how much Steve has thought you, your family, your friends, or just anybody! He did sooooo much for society!
Cub Scout
To Lao Xing Zhou: Actually Steve's been bitten by snakes before. It's an irony indeed to die underwater. His specialty is getting up close and personal with and handling land reptiles. Perhaps he really should have left underwater animals alone. Then again, his conservation efforts are meant for all kinds of animals, either on land or under the sea.
To Cub Scout: Thanks for dropping by :D
I not sure whether he has been trained to tackle marine creatures or not, but he should not touch the creatures.
To Lao Xing Zhou: For his death, he was swimming around 1m above the stingray before the latter swung its venomous tail that plunged into the left side of his chest where his heart was. Almost instant death. Then again, if he didn't touch those creatures, his shows would not be as exciting and fun to watch.
That is so true about our toys..LOL
He touched and got killed, if he don't touch, he would be alive. Show excitment or not, is not important than keeping his life.
By the way, why is Singapore Skyline got 2 moons?
To FantasyFlier: Big boys drive expensive toy cars, don't they? Provided they can afford a Lamborghini Gallardo :)
To Lao Xing Zhou: According to Wikipedia, his death was purely an accident or misadventure. He was hovering too near it, that's why the stingray got defensive and plunged its poisonous tail into Irwin. Need to see the video to know for sure heh? ;p
You got the video of him getting stung by the stringray?
No wonder there is 2 moons hanging on top of Singapore Skyline.
Because any things that we couldn't think of, may happen.
To Lao Xing Zhou: I haven't found the video on www.youtube.com yet.
There are 2 moons hanging on top of Singapore skyline because i did a multiple exposure. I forgot the number of times i exposed the same frame of film. It's either twice or thrice.
That's right pal. Anything can and will happen. It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world we live in. It's coming to an end soon.
Why the world coming to an end soon?
thank you for doing the tag!! hei! you are a bookworm too!
To Lao Xing Zhou: The world is ending soon because God's Word has said so :)
To See Fei: No problem pal :) i used to be a bookworm. Now i hardly have time to even scan thru my favorite TODAY newspaper from cover to cover, let alone reading it ;p
Aiya, what the God world...
Don't believe in that, but if you are a Christian, never mind then.
Every religion has its own views of the world.
I trying to used my Starlandliu account to drop comments here. Arghhh, annoying Beta.
By the way, you should check out your dashboard to see whether you are choosen for Beta version.
The Beta version is better than the non-Beta version.
To Righteous: i went to your blogger profile and couldn't even find your blog at the bottom. Could it be because you switched to the beta version?
Oh, for my old profile, I turned off my blog link. Because I don't want those gangsters to spot my old blog.
You can find it here:
I like cars but only to see, to appreciate but not to drive cos I hate driving in Singapore. The ERP is a rip off, the taxi drivers are rally drivers, drivers become gangsters on the roads...
To Lao Xing Zhou: Gangsters here, gangsters there, gangsters everywhere ;p Just like terrorists ;p
To Paddy Tan: Good thing you don't have a car to suck your blood :) ERP has to be a rip-off, without it, the traffic jams on our roads would probably be far worse. Hard to drive on our roads without any feelings of rage ;p Road-bullies are ever waiting to pounce on other drivers and vehicles slower than them and blocking their way ;p
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