For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. The pants of Bruce Banner don’t tear when he expands into the Hulk because he wears super-elastic spandex pants. A man's got to do what a man's got to do. A man of few spoken words is a sleeping volcano which will explode with extreme fury and violence when he exacts vengeance upon the evildoer(s).
Your primary or secondary school friend?
Well done you manage to find your old friends.
You dare to try that Bungee jump at Clark quay?
To Smarty Pants: He's an old classmate of mine from Chung Cheng High School (Main), a secondary school, of course :)
Yes. I dare to try the reverse bungee jump at Clark Quay. I only haven't tried it yet because of its high price. Actually i do have motion sickness. But i'm fine with roller-coaster rides that plunge from great heights. But if i take spinning rides, then i get nauseous. How about you? :D
Roller-coaster that pass through the spinning track will make me dizzy and nauseous.
To Smarty Pants: i'm still fine with roller-coaster that loops upside down. i do get disoriented after finishing the ride but it's not bad until i feel like puking. But i do avoid spinning rides as they make me feel like puking. i hate the feeling of nausea ;p
Nice to discover old friends.. chance of meeting on the road is extremely slim.
Bro, Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and all at home.. God bless!
And same wishes to all your readers too!
To Joepsc: May God fill your 2008's Lunar New Year with abundant blessings too! :D
Chances of meeting on the road are extremely slim indeed.
hey just to let you know i've moved to a new home. it is at: http://marksadventures.wordpress.com
To Mark: Blogger sucks and Wordpress reigns supreme heh? :p
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