Thought I Lost My Handphone

On Friday night, after i got home, i couldn't find my handphone.
I thought I must have left it in the car. As it was around 11pm+ and I was dead tired, I decided to look for the handphone in the car the following morning.
On Saturday morning, when I looked for my handphone in the car, I couldn’t find it.
So I thought I must have dropped it somewhere outside.
When I tried calling my own phone, I kept getting a “We Wish You A Merry Chritmas” tune instead of the usual ringing sound. I thought someone had picked up my phone and took out my SIM card.
I presumed my handphone was stolen. So I called SingTel to have my SIM card deactivated.
I was planning to get another phone at a Hello! SingTel shop after sending my wife to work.
Later when I was sending my wife to work, she spotted my handphone in the car. It was wedged between the driver’s seat and the handbrake. So I didn’t lose my handphone afterall. Of course I got the usual tirade from my wife for not being able to find my handphone even though it was right in the car.
Speaking of which, just one week ago, my wife couldn’t find a black tube of hers in the back seat. When in actual fact, it was right in the center of the rear seat! Talk about 鬼遮眼(ghost cover eye)!
I got my wife to call SingTel to activate my SIM card. They said they would take 3 hours. But in actual fact, it took only an hour.
Thank God I didn’t have to waste money on getting another handphone.
Sotong-ness does kick in to us... sometimes.
To Old Beng: You can say that again pal :)
It happens. Sometimes the item can be staring us right in the face and yet we do not see it. Reminds me of people looking for their glasses when the very pair is on top of their head. Glad you didn't lose yr h/phone. It would be so inconvenient losing all the contact numbers and having to rebuild the list all over again.
To HS: Yaloh. It would certainly be so inconvenient to lose all the contacts' numbers :p
But... it's nearly Christmas. Maybe you should reward yourself with a new phone anyway?
To LIS: i would have changed my phone if my contract with SingTel is 21-months old. But i still have to wait until September 2009 before the contract is up for renewal. If i change now, got to top up $100 :p
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