For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. The pants of Bruce Banner don’t tear when he expands into the Hulk because he wears super-elastic spandex pants. A man's got to do what a man's got to do. A man of few spoken words is a sleeping volcano which will explode with extreme fury and violence when he exacts vengeance upon the evildoer(s).
First picture: Here comes the Emperor, Lord Darth Vader, Imperial Storm trooper Officer, Emperor's Royal Guard (Red cloak) and The Imperial Storm Trooper.
2nd Picture: Lord Vader is discussing about how to crush down the Rebellion with Emperor Palpatine.
3rd picture: Lord vader Staring at you. Isn't it creepy when the most evil person in the Galaxy staring at you knowing he might snap your neck if you fail any mission sent by him?
4th Picture: Storm trooper marching
Missing: Imperial Army, Navy troopers and my favourite hehehe TIE fighter pilot with their weird helmet and two respiratory for oxygen to breath.
If they invade the Earth and Singapore I'm sure It's easy for them to beat our Earth military force.
Even if we manage to defeat a Division or Legion of Stormtrooper they can overrun us that easily.
Why? Because Lord Vader will use force choke to kill me or use his light saber to slice a group of Marines/Soldiers. Perhaps he might use the force to stop a bullet or missile from hitting him. Well can he?
If all that fails all he can do is to call for the gigantic Imperial Navy "Star destroyer" to blast us from the space. If they still fail.
After killing the Naval commander for his incompetent he will unleash a weapon that can blow Earth to pieces.
The Death Star. =P
It's cool to dress as a villain from a sci-fi movie. Only missing character is TIE fighter pilot.
4th Picture: I forgot to mention that I've saw Snow trooper, scout trooper, clone trooper and is that (the one behind the clone trooper) Boba Fett or Jango Fett?
To Smarty Pants: Looks like you're a Star Wars fan too heh? Give me a five pal! :D
With regards to the 4th picture, i think it's a Storm Trooper cloned from Jango Fett from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I'm really that familiar with all the different characters in Star Wars, actually. Only the prominent ones like Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C3-PO.
Yes I'm a fan of Star Wars. Give you a five back! :D
I do have Xbox game Star Wars battlefront I and II. It was fun playing as trooper (you can choose which planet to battle/side and class trooper), shooting around your opponent.
Hmm do you think Lord Darth Vader can stop our bullets with the force or use light saber to slice it?
I think Darth Vader can stop our bullets with the Force like Neo (played by Keanu Reeves) did in Matrix Reloaded, and slice them with his light-saber.
I must try playing Star Wars Battlefront too one of these days :D
Run for your lives!!!!
To Shingo T: You can run. But you cannot hide. Mas Selamat is probably not hiding in Singapore. He's either in Malaysia or Indonesia.
Or Mas Selamat is hiding in Singapore with somebody's help. Limping man can't run that fast so i guess someone help him or maybe he's no longer in Singapore.
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