For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. The pants of Bruce Banner don’t tear when he expands into the Hulk because he wears super-elastic spandex pants. A man's got to do what a man's got to do. A man of few spoken words is a sleeping volcano which will explode with extreme fury and violence when he exacts vengeance upon the evildoer(s).
Walau ERP nightmare!! hahaha
One of the reason why renting a car is better than buying (unless you use it every time and you can afford it)
That will be the day lim peh take public transport
To Smarty: Nightmare indeed :p i used to rent quite often b4 i had my own car. Expensive to rent every month. Can only afford to do so a few times a year. Shiok to drive around the whole island. But Singapore's roads are getting increasingly congested. Less and less of a pleasure to drive around. Unless you cruise on the expressways at 3am in the morning :p
To Old Beng: Me too. I find it more and more of a hassle to drive around town with all the jams and crappy ERP, parking charges. Take train faster. No need to be stuck in traffic jams. Of course, need to squeeze like sardines inside the train. But, it's still faster than driving. No need to worry about parking at all.
The only place I should be at 3am in the morning is lalaland not driving 90km/h on Seletar expressway.
Yes less pleasure to drive around due to congested and impatience driver who horn you if you're slow.
Train will be faster but I rather take bus. If there's a place to seat I can sit down and relax. I don't have to squeeze like sardines on the bus unless it's super crowded.
But buses still get stuck in traffic jams. Of course during bus lane operation hours, buses can move faster than cars. Ha, ha, ha...! :D Best is to have a car that can fly like the DeLorean in Back to the Future movie trilogy :D
Well we have to wait long long for flying car. Soon driving lesson will have extra flying lesson for us to learn how to fly.
Bus is ok for me but I seldom take bus during the peak hour.
To Smarty: Good for you that you can take buses during off-peak hours. That's one of the reasons why i think our days in poly and university are the best days of our lives becos we can travel on buses during off-peak hours. Ha, ha, ha...! :D
Lol but during your days you use translink card not Ex link. These days i can use my ez link (student ez link) and buy bus or train or hybrid concession =P
Then I can travel all over Singapore without wasting my credit.
Well if take a bus during the peak hour and found a seat it's a good opportunity to take a short nap if the bus is trap in the evening rush hour.
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