For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. The pants of Bruce Banner don’t tear when he expands into the Hulk because he wears super-elastic spandex pants. A man's got to do what a man's got to do. A man of few spoken words is a sleeping volcano which will explode with extreme fury and violence when he exacts vengeance upon the evildoer(s).
I don't know where this place located at but I do know that some part of Singapore the Town council set up a place for people to spray and draw whatever they want on the blank walls.
After 1 week or so the town council will erased the paint and the process is repeated again. It's better than vandalize on public or private property which could cost a fine or jail.
The spray painting is behind one of the houses along Jalan Anjin Laut. You can see it from the left side of the train when you take the MRT from Tanah Merah to Simei just after ITE College East :) i always think the picture is funny. Been wanting shoot it for the longest time :p
Lol big bikini-clad piggy babe.
I guess somebody living there is quite bored so he/she decided to spray something on the walls.
i think they were deliberately trying to mock some fat lady who went to either the beach or a swimming pool in a bikini :p
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