For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. The pants of Bruce Banner don’t tear when he expands into the Hulk because he wears super-elastic spandex pants. A man's got to do what a man's got to do. A man of few spoken words is a sleeping volcano which will explode with extreme fury and violence when he exacts vengeance upon the evildoer(s).
Bush is a clumsy and blur person. On one occasion, he was on a diplomatic mission to China to host a talk with China President Hu Jintao. After he delivered the speech, he walked to the wrong side and tried to open a locked door. After he failed to escape, he told the reporters which door to open and where is the exit? People laughed at him for not using his brain despite being a President of USA.
Another amusing story - his essays and speeches contain many grammatical mistakes, so much that Condoleezza Rice, the Prime Minister of USA, had a hard time reading Bush's golden words.
He looked somewhat angry in some video shots, probably being reminded of New York 911. And a now-younger-looking Osama must have irked him!
To Lao Xing Zhou: It's been a long time since i last heard from you, pal! Busy with your school work heh? :) Without a "clown" politician like Bush, keeping track of a world leader like him would be boring heh? :p
To Joepsc: Conspiracy theory has it that the US government actually saw the attack of September 11, 2001 coming but deliberately did nothing to prevent it because they purposely wanted a war. And an attack like that gives them the best excuse for being engaged in one that is never-ending.
Osama died his hair and beard black to look younger. Ha, ha, ha...! :D
"now-younger-looking Osama must have irked him!"
Lolx younger Ossama from grey to black beard. Say did he dye it black?
"Conspiracy theory"
It's hard to know the truth, that's why they called it "Conspiracy theory" A lot of people can come out with any kind of theory eg. from Jews did the 9/11 to CIA aircraft demolish WTC and cruise missile strike pentagon.
Anyway I like the picture quite amusing.
To Smarty Pants: The truth is out there. It's just waiting to be dug out. Many truths will remained concealed until the end of the world.
To me those "theories" are far-fetched; the US can find other good reasons to wage a war if necessary. I believe 911 was a result of disbelief, overconfidence and a disorganised security network.
To joepsc: i agree with you those conspiracy theories are indeed pretty far-fetched. One of the main reasons why they failed to work on the clear present danger and threat at that time was the lack of cooperation among the various security agencies.
"Many truths will remained concealed until the end of the world."
Erm I don't think US military order a Cruise missile strike on their own Pentagon (US military Headquarter) especially when America has a lot of enemies.
Cruise missile not only make those damage to the pentagon but also maybe destroy that section.
"lack of cooperation among the various security agencies."
Agree and also when Osama declare war on US few years before 9/11 American didn't take it seriously. They respond "Yea with you and what army?" So due to overconfident and they didn't think Osama is a threat until it's too late.
To Smarty Pants: Of course they didn't order a cruise missile strike on their own Pentagon. The conspiracy theory has it they knew this attack was going to happen. Yet they didn't take concrete steps to prevent it from happening. Osama had already forewarned that his Al Qaeda network was about to launch unprecendented attacks on America.
It's precisely because of the Americans' complacency and doubts that Al Qaeda would be able to mastermind something as horrific as 9/11 attacks on WTC and actually bring it to pass, that Al Qaeda was able to carry out its dastardly evil plans without hindrance.
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