Cutting A Queue
What do you do when you're in queue to buy something and someone abruptly cuts your queue?
Would you react angrily and tell that person off?
Or would you do what most Singaporeans would do?
And that is to fume quietly like a wimp and let the person who cut your queue walk all over you (not literally, of course).
A commotion ensues after a shopper confronts a fellow-shopper who cut her queue.
Would you react angrily and tell that person off?
Or would you do what most Singaporeans would do?
And that is to fume quietly like a wimp and let the person who cut your queue walk all over you (not literally, of course).
A commotion ensues after a shopper confronts a fellow-shopper who cut her queue.

lim peh will let the person go if he / she is an elderly or a handicapped person.
To Old Beng: Same here. Only problem is: The aunty behind me pretended to ask the cashier how much was an item she wanted to buy. In actual fact, she was jumping queue to make payment before i could. Bloody bitch.
Kapo a bit, buy what huh?
"Would you react angrily and tell that person off?"
I will say Oi get in line. I will make sure i rally the queues behind me to join me and attack that person who cut the line.
To Old Beng: Buy grocery at an i-econ provision shop.
To Smarty: Yeah. I would do the same thing as you. But not all the time ;p
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