Can't Stop Talking

Our son, Shaw, is now 5-years-old plus.
He can't stop talking. He's always asking questions, most of which we have no answers to.
Questions like:
"Why the taxi behind us?"
"Why the red light so fast?"
"Why your stomach so big?" (He asks his mother this as she's around 6 months pregnant. Even though we have told him his younger brother is inside, he still keeps asking. He said he wants to ask her this same question one million times.)
Can't stay still. Can't keep quiet. Must talk all the time.
When we ask him, "Shawn why must you talk all the time?"
He would reply, "Because I like."
funny lar ya son.. inquisitive is good but too much will be errrr... hehe
To Serene: Having an overly inquisitive son can be exasperating :p
haha... Cute! Caught in the act (of talking).
I'm sure he will outgrow it or stop once he is old enough to understand things.
To HS: I sure do hope he will outgrow his non-stop talking ways someday. Becos i happen to know of people who babble non-stop even in their 20s :p
What a good looking boy!
To LIS: Thank you for your kind compliment :) Thanks to his mother's genes :)
I think he is bored.. he needs someone to talk to.
To Joepsc: He's talking all the time. Only time he keeps quiet is when he's sleeping. Who has the patience to pay full attention to a little boy who can't stop babbling?
Don't stifle his linguistic growth lah.
Also, occupy his verbal skills with another language. Now's the time, before critical period ends!
To LRG: I wouldn't want to stifle his linguistic growth. It's just that he's talking non-stop too much :p
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