How To Stay Awake At Work

Struggling to stay awake at work is what a lot of office workers do day in day out. Even though not that many of them readily admit it.
So how to stay awake at work especially after a heavy lunch?
I think we should do something about our air.
We should inject a stimulant that works the same as caffeine into our air-con to help us stay awake.
I wonder if A*STAR is doing research on this.
Wouldn’t it be great if all of us can stay alert and awake at work all day long because of such a stimulant?
I'm sorry to inform you, but even A*STAR researchers fall asleep at their computers. I've walked in on many a napping colleague. Nowadays, I shout, "Is XYZ home?!" before I walk into a cubicle. LOL!
Ha, ha, ha...! :D If A*STAR researcher doze off at work also, then all the more they should do R&D on this idea of pumping a stimulant into the office's air-con air so that everybody can stay awake and alert :)
Maybe they are already doing it, but I'm immune already. LOL!
I think having lunchtime activities (gym, table tennis, jogging, etc..) for staffs is a great refresher and give more energy for the rest of the day.
nice one haha. but if too much of it, our bodies may adjust to it, and it wont become effective? :) (just my 2 cents thought) haha.
To Ming1881: i'm not aware of any local company in existence that actually lets the staff work out during lunchtime :p Actually afternoon naps help to refresh and recharge too. In fact a brief 20 to 30-minute nap can help one to be awake and focus better at work for the rest of the day.
To Quachee: you're right. Too much of the stimulant might make us immune to it, just like caffeine. Only effective to a certain extent. When the stimulant wears off, it's back to yawning and dozing off at work again :p *sigh*
To LIS: Ha, ha, ha..! ;D That's a good one! :D
To Suzuki: People doze off at work regardless of the amount of their workload. For your info, my workload is heavy to the extent everyday i can't finish my work. If i can finish my work each day and have time to idle, then that would be a different story. But now, it's a neverending avalanche of work day in day out. Duh.
feeling drowsy after lunch is natural. The body shuts down 2x in a day including night; if we were to denial the first shutdown, we are not listening to our bodies.
To Las Montanas: We have no choice but to ignore our bodies wanting to shut down after lunch. Afterall, napping at work is not the norm in most, if not all, the offices in Singapore.
Then a lot of us have a tedency to sleep very late also. Around midnight. Sometimes around 1 to 2am. Then we wake up at around 6am. Where got enough sleep? :p
LOL @ "Lunch is Served!" That is a bright idea, though! It will keep everyone awake and it saves your company in coffee expenses! Looking at the picture makes you think of the worst-case scenario that can happen to a company's employees. Coffee breaks can only be cancelled when a stimulant that works the same as caffeine is injected into our AC units. LOL!
>Sonia Roody
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