Not Really A Bitch Afterall

Yesterday i wrote that a colleague reversed her boyfriend's black Hyundai Verna and knocked down my pail of car wash effects.
This morning i "confronted" her and asked her why she knocked down my pail.
She said she was blur blur and didn't really notice the pail. She said "Sorry."
i accepted her apology and said, "Nevermind lah."
Looks like she's not really a bitch afterall.
If she's a bitch, she would have bitched me with crap like "Who asked you to place your pail there in the 1st place?!"
If she had done that, this would have developed into an all-out full-blown war.
It's good to know the truth, esp when it's a pleasant truth. Glad for you, MB.
Good to clear the air. Cheerios :)
I feel that you've got a real issue about certain types of women. Hey Buddy! Give us a chance lah. Not all of us are bitches leh :)
To HS: Thank God for the pleasant truth. Ha, ha, ha...! :D
To Serene: Thank God the air is cleared :)
To LIS: i think all of us are assholes and bitches in one way or another. Some of us are more anal and bitchy while some are less so :p
When we are provoked to wrath, our normal natural reaction is to get all anal, bitchy and rowdy. Don't you think? :p
Yes, that's true. But you seem to think the worst of women at the first instance. What about the benefit of the doubt? They don't call us the fairer sex for nothing :)
To LIS: I'm sorry if i sound misogynistic. i only rattle against those that offend me. Afterall, before the female dog offends me, i used to wrongly think she's a nice person :p It turns out that she just has to be the thorn in my flesh whom i have to put up with as long as either of us is working in the company.
Fairer sex indeed. But when you women plot revenge against people who have offended you, you can be so much more evil and scheming than men who are more straight-forward thinking.
Men usually think of taking revenge in the straight-forward manner like punching, killing. Women plot revenge in a much more sinister manner. Like what my wife says, "Killing the person who has offended her is letting the person off too easily."
For her, she would plot to make the person who has offended her, suffer for the rest of his or her life :p In other words, a fate that's worse than death :p
Maybe she saw your previous day anger post :-)
Good that everything was cool and not develop into an all out shouting match.
Less stress the better...
To Ming1881: Certain stress in life are just plain inevitable like thorns in one's flesh :p
i totally agree with ur wife! =D
i'd do the same...hehehe
To Lin: Ha, ha, ha... :D It's an undeniable fact that women are generally more evil and scheming when they plot revenge against their enemies :p
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