Dastardly Litterbugs
It has been reported in the news that there are people who throw soiled sanitary pads and diapers out their windows onto their neighbors below. Then there’s also curry, people who brush their teeth and spit their gargle out their window.

The anti-killer-litter campaign has been propagated since the 1980s, and it has managed to reduce the number of such incidents that speak of outright anti-social behavior.

But it seems that such crappy behavior is rearing its ugly head in Singapore again. I wonder if the foreign workers from PRC could be the culprits as littering and spitting in public is a norm for them back in mainland China.
What should we do to these buggers who anyhow throw such crappy litter out their windows at the expense of their neighbors below?
I think throwing shit on their doorstep would be nice.
How about throwing a Molotov cocktail on their doorstep? Lovely, heh?

The anti-killer-litter campaign has been propagated since the 1980s, and it has managed to reduce the number of such incidents that speak of outright anti-social behavior.

But it seems that such crappy behavior is rearing its ugly head in Singapore again. I wonder if the foreign workers from PRC could be the culprits as littering and spitting in public is a norm for them back in mainland China.
What should we do to these buggers who anyhow throw such crappy litter out their windows at the expense of their neighbors below?
I think throwing shit on their doorstep would be nice.
How about throwing a Molotov cocktail on their doorstep? Lovely, heh?
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Ermmm.. that's why I insist on staying on the top floor units only. I used to have a bastard upstairs neighbour. Very old retiree Singaporean Chinese couple. They would drag their furniture at 3am in the morning and hang out dripping wet laundry all the time. After that episode (we sold the HDB flat after 2.5 years), I told H that I will only stay in a highrise if we had to top floor unit. Or else, he'd better buy us a landed property.
To Serene: The world is going down the drain :p Georgi looks adorable. i'm curious about its price, that's all :)
To LIS: i think the only disadvantage of staying on the top floor is the heat of day. i guess your condo has additional rooftop above your top floor, so it's okay :)
Wet laundry and dragging furniture across the floor at 3am is too much! :(
I hate these inconsiderate people staying at the top floor.
The authorities suggest more education but i seriously doubt it will change. They must put fines else everyone will still doing these practise.
We do not hang our clothes outside at all not knowing what could come down. So resort to inhoouse drying or use dryer when desparate.
To Ming: Looks like these pricks can be found everywhere in Singapore. Problem with hanging wet clothes to dry indoor without direct sunlight is the unpleasant odor that comes with the clothes after they have dried.
Eww! I've heard of used condoms too.
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