What Is It?
80% of kindergartners solved this riddle, but only 5% of Stanford graduates figured it out!
Can you answer the following question?
The answer is just one word.
1. This word has seven letters.
2. It precedes God.
3. It’s greater than God.
4. It’s more evil than the devil.
5. All poor people have it.
6. All wealthy people need it.
7. If you eat it, you will die!
Got it?
(If not, scroll down for answer.)

NOTHING has 7 letters.
NOTHING precedes God.
NOTHING is greater than God.
NOTHING is more evil than the devil.
All poor people have NOTHING.
Wealthy people need NOTHING.
If you eat NOTHING, you will die!
Can you answer the following question?
The answer is just one word.
1. This word has seven letters.
2. It precedes God.
3. It’s greater than God.
4. It’s more evil than the devil.
5. All poor people have it.
6. All wealthy people need it.
7. If you eat it, you will die!
Got it?
(If not, scroll down for answer.)

NOTHING has 7 letters.
NOTHING precedes God.
NOTHING is greater than God.
NOTHING is more evil than the devil.
All poor people have NOTHING.
Wealthy people need NOTHING.
If you eat NOTHING, you will die!
"NOTHING precedes God"
Mother Nature
"NOTHING is greater than God"
"NOTHING is more evil than the devil"
"All poor people have NOTHING"
Their physical body
"Wealthy people need NOTHING"
"If you eat NOTHING, you will die"
Let it be.
To Emperor Liu: Someday you will know your Maker regardless how much you deny His existence. All of us have to meet our Maker after we die.
How did you know we will meet our so called "Maker" after we die?
Logically, my Maker will be my parents.
You will never know until you really, really go :)
-_-" Since you also never know your "Maker", then why there should be a "Maker"?
We know our Maker by praying to receive Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior.
Prayer is purely superstitious, it has no effect on whoever. Have you really had a direct experience of this mysterious entity called god? I am continually perplexed as to why so many would commit their lives to an entity they can have no personal knowledge of.
As to say JC is a person's saviour. Will he save a person from failing his exams? Will he do something to stop terrorists from attacking us, and to end all conflicts on Earth, as a saviour? The answer is obviously no.
To Emperor Liu: You've never prayed to receive Christ before, so of course you've never experienced Him before. How do you explain me being bad-tempered, foul-mouthed, (i had a lot of fights with my primary and secondary school classmates) before i received Christ? After i received Christ, i became more patient, peaceful and tolerant. Even my good close friend saw the change in me and said i had become more optimistic and less intolerant. How do you explain all these? When i prayed to receive Christ, i felt something touching my heart. It's a supernatural experience. After i prayed to rededicate my life to God, i felt like a new person. How do you explain all that?
How can you ever know Him if you've never ever invited Him to enter your life?
We live in a broken down world with wars and terrorism because man chose to let sin enter the world in the beginning. We can't blame God for our own mistakes.
My results improved after i received Christ. My E Maths grade changed from C6 to A2. How do you explain that?
What one thinks as unexplainable may not be so.
I think that we are all to some extent hardwired to believe in something greater than ourselves. It probably has some survival advantage to subscribe to a religion -- there is greater group bonding when everyone agrees to worship the same entity for instance. Hence the stranglehold that religion continues to exert among the masses. Still, man should be intelligent enough now to rise above his instincts. Take the world as it is. Assume as little as possible without evidence. We do not need mysterious entities in order to make this world a better place for all. In fact striving hard to live the good life without assuming a supernatural guardian overlooking your shoulders is a grand and noble enterprise.
Pray for what? There is absolutely no effect on praying but a waste of time. I once prayed to many other deities for the well being of my exams yet nothing so called "experiened Him". People changed from X to Y because of a certain time when one's mind start to develop/mature rapidly. He is a bad boy today but a few months later, he turns good for no physical reason. This is an orderly process of a mentally development and should not be used as an excuse for religious contexts.
Feeling X does not mean X exists. Many people have imaginary thoughts of different kinds.
You were changed from a bad person to good just because you have received "Him"?
Presumably then, this "Him is still alive today? Spotted him lately? Shout out his name. Does he answer? Really?
We can and should doubt everything unless there is clear evidence to the contrary. Otherwise we will have to believe in anything and everything.
As for why people continue to venerate this entity called god, I have earlier given the answer: we are hardwired to believe because possibly, there is a survival advantage in doing so. But that was in the past. Modern man should be able to rise above superstitious beliefs. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case.
Another thing, "My results improved after i received Christ. My E Maths grade changed from C6 to A2. How do you explain that?"
Well, my English jumped from D7/C5 to B4 during my O-Level. I did not prayed to anyone and anything. I did not even study. The reason: As I am getting older, my mind has becomes more developed than in the past. It allows me think further and rational which explains why I am able to handle comprehension and composition questions where they were previously my hardcore predators.
To Emperor Liu: My belief in God has given me peace, joy and hope in an increasingly crazy and hopeless world. What has your unbelief done for you? Where do you think you will go after you die? If you think it's the end of everything when you die, you'd be in for eternal deep shock.
Believing in God is like buying insurance. You don't know what life may bring. You don't what awaits you after you die. Believing in God gives you assurance you won't end up in hell to burn forever.
Like i said: You will never know if there is really a God until you really, really go.
Do you see any point of us taking this argument further? Or do you think we should just agree to disagree? For you, there is no God. For me, God, heaven and hell all exist. End of the story.
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