
I hate cockroaches. Each time I see one, I squash it under my foot, if possible. But then nowadays, I don’t really crush under my foot every roach that crosses my path. Nowadays, I can’t really be bothered to flatten all roaches zealously. Age is catching up with me. I’m kinda tired of all this roach-flattening “business”, if you can call it one. Even though there’s no money to be made from it. None whatsoever.
Many years ago, I had a close encounter with a flying roach. I was out wandering about downstairs at around midnight at my old home at Marine Parade. For some reason(s) which I can’t recall, I was carrying a pair of scissors. As I climbed up a flight of stairs to enter the lift, a roach flew towards my face. I gave it a death-blow using the pair of scissors. I surprised myself by my high degree of accuracy as the pair of scissors hit the roach, smack on. I whacked it down onto the floor and crushed it flat under my foot.
Talking about roaches that fly onto people’s face, I had a friend from NS, Daryl Gee, his name was, who had a terrifying experience of a roach landing on his forehead. To top it off, he whacked the roach flat and the roach’s “juice” flowed down his face. Gross right? I bet anyone who has had such a “horrific” experience would probably be stricken with paranoia-like roach-phobia for the rest of his life.
i see tat u hate cockroaches. so do u like cats? =)
i am the professional croach killer in the house as my wife hates them....
To Joshua: I like cats but not enuff to hug and caress them like my wife does. My wife is obsessed with cats.
To Seefei: Give me a five pal :)
I've had a flying roach episode too and flying roaches give me the creeps now. Arghhhhh!!!
I once had a roach (the flying type) scutter down my face at night. Oh I could still recall the horrid sharp claws on its legs.. and the smell.. its puke inducing!!
To Happysurfer: The only good roach is dead roach. Especially if they fly.
To Las Montanas: That must have been a really horrifying experience for you. i had a similar one where a cricket tried to pry open my mouth to enter it! :p
"The only good roach is dead roach."
You take this from Starship trooper right?
One guy at Buenos aeres say "The only good bug is a dead bug"
To Mansor: You're absolutely correct! :D I love that show. Its visual effects are simply awesome and stunning :) Very violent and gory though :p
"Very violent and gory though "
The part where those college student were tearing those bug limb to limb at the school lab.
Yes really violent but the CGI look realistic better than Ultra violet movie.
haven't watched Ultra Violet yet, read that it's a sucky movie :p
Yea a very sucky movie. The CGI looks like first generation 3D cartoon to me.
Guess i'll pass watching Ultraviolet then :p
I hate roaches too. But I am kind of apprehensive about killing them as they normally have quite a bit of roach juice running in their veins. Thus the tension. Anyways, they usually disappear into the dark fast enough so just leave them alone loh.
To Singapore.boy: The problem with letting roaches off without killing them is they might come back to "haunt" you at a later time. It's ironic right? When we kill a human being, he may come back to haunt us as a ghost. But our failure to kill a roach means the roach might come back to "haunt" us at a later time :p
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