Girl Learns Driving Scantily Dressed
Rumors have it that a girl who dresses scantily gets scolded less by the instructor and finds it easier to pass the driving test. Are such rumors founded?

Private driving instructors are a dying breed as the government has stopped issuing licenses to such instructors. Eventually, when all private instructors have either retired or gone to meet their Maker, everyone who wants to learn driving must go to either Comfort Driving Centre (CDC)

or Singapore Safety Driving Centre (SSDC)

to do it. Anyone who wants to be a driving instructor can only work as one at either center.
I learned my driving from a private driving instructor and got my Class 3 license in October 1995 for only S$800+. I passed the driving test at my second attempt. A friend who introduced me to the same private instrutor earlier on passed his driving test at his first attempt and spent only around S$500.
There is no way anyone can learn driving and get his or her Class 3 license at either CDC or SSDC for such "small" sums of money. So if you have not gotten your Class 3 license yet and want to save some money by not going to a government driving center, seize a private instructor before they are all dead and gone.