Ugly Singaporeans

Many years ago, my mum and i were trying to take a cab home from a relative's place. It was quite hard to get a cab as it was a Saturday night. After waiting for qutie some time, we managed to flag down a cab. Just as we opened the door and were about to enter the cab, two low-life scums dashed into the cab from the other side and sunk their butts onto the seat. We were thus deprived of the cab which we flagged down first. If i ever encounter such scums now i would curse and yell at them at the top of my voice to get out of the cab. Can't be a wimp and let these bullies walk all over us and have their way.
When i was in secondary school, there was once i wanted to take a bus home after hanging out with some friends at Parkway Parade. The driver of a TIBS bus number 853 refused to let me board even though the bus was empty. When i hit the door to get the bus-driver to open the door for me, he gestered me a punch. Had i encountered such an asshole years later, i would have taken down the bus plate number and complained against him until he gets fired.
Such is the Sinkieland which we live in heh? First-come-first-serve doesn't always work all the time, there will always be some rude barbarians who will jump your queue and refuse to queue up from the end of the line.