Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
American Student Gets Tasered
On September 17, 2007, U.S. Senator John Kerry, addressed a forum at the University of Florida. Towards the end of the question and answer period, University police forcibly removed Andrew Meyer, a 21-year-old fourth-year undergraduate telecommunications student, from the forum, restraining him with the help of a Taser.
Meyer from University of Florida was in line to ask a question of Senator Kerry when it was announced that no more questions would be taken. According to police, "Meyer continued down the aisle toward Kerry angrily", asking to be permitted to ask a question. Meyer was allowed to ask a single question, which, according to the Washington Post, turned into "an increasingly agitated three-parter."
Why did Kerry concede the United States presidential election, 2004 before results were tallied and despite allegations of election irregularities?
Why doesn't Kerry support the Movement to impeach George W. Bush?
Were Kerry and Bush both members of the Yale University secret society known as Skull and Bones?
After Mayer's alloted time was up, the microphone into which Meyer had been speaking was cut off. He continued to shout his questions at Kerry. Four University of Florida police officers seized him; some members of the crowd then applauded. Kerry said, "That's all right, let me answer his question." The student struggled for several seconds and demanded an explanation of the officers' conduct. He shouted several times "Help!", "What have I done?" and "Get away from me!", with his arms raised in the air. All four officers began forcibly ushering him to the back of the room as Meyer attempted to stand his ground. During this time, some audience members shouted phrases such as "What has he done?", "Why are you doing this?", and "Let him go!". Once in the rear of the hall, Meyer attempted again to break away from the officers. The officers wrestled him to the ground and attempted to handcuff him.
As Meyer pleaded with the officers from the ground and continued to struggle, they threatened to taser him. Meyer stated that if allowed up, he would leave. Meyer yelled, "Don't tase me bro, don't tase me", but was drive stunned in the shoulder by officer Nicole Lynn Mallo with her department-issued X-26 Taser shortly after. He continued screaming for help as the officers removed him from the room. During the altercation, Kerry urged everyone to calm down, made a joke and kept speaking to Meyer's question, which he referred to as "very important". He later released a statement saying that he was unaware that any Tasing had occurred until afterwards. Meyer was then escorted off the premises and detained overnight in the Alachua County Jail. Some students protested outside the jail that evening.
Somehow i think Meyer had it comin'.
When security personnel swamped in on him, he should have done the following:
1. Stop yelling
2. Go quietly with them out of the hall
He shouldn't have done the following:
1. React violently
2. Resist arrest
If Meyer had not behaved in an unruly fashion like he did in the video, he probably would not have been pinned down on the floor and tasered. But nonetheless, I also think the security personnel had indeed exercised excessive force on him.
Meyer from University of Florida was in line to ask a question of Senator Kerry when it was announced that no more questions would be taken. According to police, "Meyer continued down the aisle toward Kerry angrily", asking to be permitted to ask a question. Meyer was allowed to ask a single question, which, according to the Washington Post, turned into "an increasingly agitated three-parter."
Why did Kerry concede the United States presidential election, 2004 before results were tallied and despite allegations of election irregularities?
Why doesn't Kerry support the Movement to impeach George W. Bush?
Were Kerry and Bush both members of the Yale University secret society known as Skull and Bones?
After Mayer's alloted time was up, the microphone into which Meyer had been speaking was cut off. He continued to shout his questions at Kerry. Four University of Florida police officers seized him; some members of the crowd then applauded. Kerry said, "That's all right, let me answer his question." The student struggled for several seconds and demanded an explanation of the officers' conduct. He shouted several times "Help!", "What have I done?" and "Get away from me!", with his arms raised in the air. All four officers began forcibly ushering him to the back of the room as Meyer attempted to stand his ground. During this time, some audience members shouted phrases such as "What has he done?", "Why are you doing this?", and "Let him go!". Once in the rear of the hall, Meyer attempted again to break away from the officers. The officers wrestled him to the ground and attempted to handcuff him.
As Meyer pleaded with the officers from the ground and continued to struggle, they threatened to taser him. Meyer stated that if allowed up, he would leave. Meyer yelled, "Don't tase me bro, don't tase me", but was drive stunned in the shoulder by officer Nicole Lynn Mallo with her department-issued X-26 Taser shortly after. He continued screaming for help as the officers removed him from the room. During the altercation, Kerry urged everyone to calm down, made a joke and kept speaking to Meyer's question, which he referred to as "very important". He later released a statement saying that he was unaware that any Tasing had occurred until afterwards. Meyer was then escorted off the premises and detained overnight in the Alachua County Jail. Some students protested outside the jail that evening.
Somehow i think Meyer had it comin'.
When security personnel swamped in on him, he should have done the following:
1. Stop yelling
2. Go quietly with them out of the hall
He shouldn't have done the following:
1. React violently
2. Resist arrest
If Meyer had not behaved in an unruly fashion like he did in the video, he probably would not have been pinned down on the floor and tasered. But nonetheless, I also think the security personnel had indeed exercised excessive force on him.